Welcome to the RubyWorld Conference. At long last we are moving on from the impact of COVID-19, and it appears we will be able to hold the RubyWorld Conference in Matsue this year as usual. For the last few years, we held the conference online or in a hybrid format. This year, we sincerely hope you can visit Matsue and meet in person so that you can discover what is currently going on in the Ruby Community. In addition, we believe the inspiration you will receive from directly interacting with other attendees will have a positive impact on the future of Ruby.
This year marks the 30th anniversary since Ruby’s birth. A wide variety of events have taken place in last 30 years, and Ruby applications have exceeded all expectations since the initial development of Ruby. The tech community, which seeks out the newest things, may feel that Ruby is less exciting, but Ruby’s achievements are backed by reliability and stability. Ruby is now used around the world and realizes the delivery of many essential services. Some of the services that you use today may use Ruby as well.
Meanwhile, however, progress continues to be made on Ruby. In that sense, Ruby is far from being stable or stagnant. If you follow the core Ruby Community, you will no doubt see that Ruby is being updated greatly on a daily basis and that suggestions and improvements are made to Ruby every day for a better future of Ruby. In no way is Ruby “dead.” Neither is the Ruby Community.
For this year’s conference, we have invited Mayumi Emori, who has long been a great supporter of the Ruby and Rails Communities, as our keynote speaker. We look forward to hearing about the communities that make Ruby outstanding in her keynote speech.
At the conference, which offers a bird’s-eye view of the Ruby ecosystem, you will be able to see presentations that show what kind of future the Ruby Community is facing. Instead of just waiting for the future to arrive, come and see what the Ruby Community is doing to make the future happen themselves. And we also hope that you will join us in creating that future together.
Yukihiro Matsumoto
Chairperson, RubyWorld Conference Executive Committee